The Pilates System was originally referred by his creator (Joseph Pilates) as Contrology -although it was also popular for people to say “We are at Pilates'”.- In fact, the title of his book is Return to Life Through Contrology. First published in 1945, this book outlines his philosophy and the principles behind his exercise method. Mr. Pilates was deeply concerned about how modern life had affected the mind and the body, breaking our connection to our bodies, to our nature, to the fulfilling energy that comes from within and translates into enjoying a joyful life. That’s what he means by his title; his promises that the continuous practice of his Method would help us recover what was lost.

Although he never clearly states a specific list of Principles, by appreciating the things he writes, we can understand what he wanted to achieve. The first quote of the book is: “Physical Fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is an attainment and maintenance of uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure”.

Let’s read those words again: happiness; sound mind; natural, easy, satisfactory; spontaneous zest; pleasure.

Isn’t this wonderful! I just love it! It’s why Classical Pilates is so important to us at The Pilates School of Movement. We want to give you all those beautiful feelings and more!

Just re-reading the first paragraph of the book (for the fifth, sixth, seventh time, maybe?… hehe), I feel like hitting the Reformer, the Mat, the Tower, the Chair, the Ped-o-Pull, and all the spectacular apparatuses that this man invented to give the gift of joy.


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