Joseph Pilates created a specific order for the Mat and Reformer workout. When we first learn the exercises, we might feel that we randomly move from one exercise to the other, but as we progress, we’ll start identifying connections between them.

On the Reformer Repertoire, for example, we always start with the Footwork so we can build up a strong base from the feet to the hips. This is going to be quite helpful when we do the Hundred right after. With the foot bar, we should have learned how to hold the weight of the legs without pressing into our lower backs.

That means that each exercise is designed to help us achieve the following one- a more challenging one! With each move, we will develop the skills necessary to succeed on trying the next one. This is part of the flow we described on our previous post about the Principles of Pilates. By the end of the class, it’ll be way easier to control the carriage on a less supported position such as standing. The Side Splits will be doable and fun because we’ll feel the strong feet, legs, and hips we worked at the very beginning of the session.

At Pilates School of Movement, we want to see our students grow from beginners to advanced. Our understanding of Basic exercises in Pilates is not about how easy they are. By Basic we mean “the base“, “the foundation“, “the essence“. We’ll grow from there and we will feel empowered!

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